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Beat Silent Dehydration*2 with ORSL®

Did you know that headaches, fatigue, and tiredness could be signs that you are silently dehydrated? Our body needs electrolytes to stay active and hydrated.

ORSL® is specifically designed to support faster recovery by helping  restore fluid electrolyte energy deficits associated with silent dehydration.

Beat Silent Dehydration*2 with ORSL

What is Silent Dehydration?​

When your body slowly loses fluids and electrolytes without visible signs of dehydration, such as excessive thirst, dry lips, or dryness in the mouth, it’s an indication of silent dehydration which is non-diarrheal in nature.​

Silent Dehydration develops gradually and can subtly affect your overall well being without you realizing it.

Causes of Silent Dehydration​

Excessive Heat Exposure, Travelling, Fasting, Fever or Illness, Physical Stress​

Signs and Symptoms of Silent Dehydration​

Dry skin and lips, Fatigue, Headache, Muscle Cramps, Dizziness or Light-headedness​​

How can ORSL® help as an adjuvant in Non-Diarrheal Dehydration?

  • Restores Electrolytes with 2x Energy*5
    Offers energy and helps reduce fatigue due to exhaustion, heat, fever

  • Goodness of Vitamin C
    Enriched  with Vitamin C^ to support immune function

  • Provides Better Taste
    Pleasant flavor encourages more frequent drinking and improved hydration.​​

  • Tailored for Silent Dehydration*2
    Formulated for non-diarrheal dehydration, focusing on both hydration and energy replenishment